
Solving Windows slow login issues before and after logon step by step troubleshooting

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This article will provide guidance in solving windows slow login issues before and after logon to the windows where windows is hanging for minutes before either “Ctrl alt delete” screen is presented or gets hangs after the logon on “Please wait”. Antivirus can cause this issue in most cases so my recommendation would be remove the software and see if the issue gets resolved

If the Windows eventually logs in after timing out, there could be many things that can cause the slow logins. below is the screen shot of one of the symptoms

Few things to check to make sure that are inline and working

  1. All the domain controls are responding
  2. No new firewall was installed in between the clients and domain controller
  3. No new updates were installed and they if they were, uninstall and confirm if they are not causing the slowness.
  4. Uninstall the Antivirus software completely. this causes the issue 90% of the time in my experience 
  5. If  you are using the Microsoft  end point protection then make sure the virus definition may be conflicting with some third part software
  6. The issue may be caused by group policy so try removing the windows computer from that OU and place it in an OU where no polices are applied to rule out an group policy issue

Boot into Windows safe mode by hitting F8 to eliminate any third part services like Cisco, Symantec ETC

One you are logged in to the windows. start the msconfig by going “start run and type msconfig” 

  • Go to the services tab
  • Hide all Microsoft Services
  • disable all third party services

This will boot the pc in a selective start up mode where only Microsoft services are running and if the computer boots in normal mode ok then you can rule out the Microsoft services  and focus on the third part services


At this point you know third part services is causing the Windows slow login and you can the enable one service at a time and see what may be causing the issue.

check to make sure all clients machine are running the current Microsoft end point protection virus definitions.

How to generate a memory dump in Windows if asked by Microsoft support. this may be needed if your issues does not get resolved

below is the link to step by step instructions

Below is an output from the memory dump and you can see that Microsoft malware protection filter driver is what is causing the issue thus uninstalling the antivirus fixed the issue

user logon is stuck in thread fffffa8011301b50 waiting on Mpfilter – the filter driver for Malware Protection. This filter driver is sending a message to its usermode app, which in this case, should be MsMpEng.exe

MsMpEng.exe was the filter driver that was causing the issue with the services startup which was then causing the delay in login

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read, hope this helps!



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